Current date/time is Sun Apr 28, 2024 8:05 am

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Valid E-mail A current, and valid, email address must be used. If this is not followed, you will be asked to supply one via U2U message, and given one week to respond. Failure to adhere to this rule will result in account deletion once the one week time period has expired. Remember that you can choose not to display your email address. The only person who will be able to see it once this option is selected is the forum Administrator. No Spam Stay on topic. Posts unrelated to the topic at hand are not allowed. Please post general comments/conversations in the General Discussions forum. Nonsense posting only to increase your number of posts is not allowed. No Crossposting Post only one message at a time on the forum that is most related to the topic of your message. If there is no such forum, post it on the General forum. If you need to add to your post, please edit it instead of double posting. No Referral Links You are not allowed to post a URL where you get money or some type of compensation by referring others. It is, however, ok to post your website URL in your profile and/or in your signature. No Personal Attacks This includes harassments, flames and other forms of annoying behavior. No Illegal Stuff Discussion of participating in illegal activities such as software and music piracy and other intellectual property violations are not allowed. Debates/discussions are condoned, however. When You Post For Help Search Please browse the forums or use the search function before you post your problem. Your question might have already been answered. You Are Allowed To Post Links To... ... your website/forum ... your site with related content (Downloads, icons you've created, tutorials, fan-fiction, etc.) ... links related to the topic you're posting in Provide Detailed Information The topic subject should reflect the problem posted with as much details as possible. Be Patient Do not forget we can't be online 24/7. Be sure to include as much information as possible to ensure we can answer your questions quickly. By participating in this board, you recognize that you may be exposed to objectionable content. Further, you agree that by viewing the aforementioned content, you are of legal age to do so lawfully. Failure to adhere to these guidelines will result in disciplinary action. This can eventually lead to restriction of your posting rights, or possibly even being banned temporarily/permantely depending on the severity of the violation. I hope I never have to use this option, but it is necessary to maintain a fun environment for everyone. *The Rusty Axe, or any members of their staff or affiliates are in no way responsible for text, images, or any other medium that gets posted in this board. The opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of Channel 9*